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Sustainable Energy

We all want a liveable planet. And when faced with the immense threat of Climate Change, it can be really hard to know where to start, or even feel like there is any hope at all. There is hope, but as climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe puts it, "In the face of climate change, we must act so that we can feel hopeful—not the other way around."  

If you are looking for some things you can do right now to help make the transition to a more sustainable future, here are some ideas and resources!

Okay, but what can I actually do?


The more people involved with a campaign, the louder the message. This club is for everyone, whether you are a dedicated activist or just someone who is not a big fan of climate change. Whatever you can contribute will be amazing, even if that means just showing up to the occasional meeting or event. 


Help take on the fossil fuel industry

According to the IPCC, almost all emissions of greenhouse gases come specifically from fossil fuels. One thing you can do to help is call your representative and telling them to take action! That may seem confusing, or scary, or time-consuming, but with this website, ​it is really simple (you can just read from a script) and only takes about two minutes! You can also sign this petition to help Clark transition away from this industry, but there is a lot more that can be done as well!, DivestEd, and FossilFree are all great resources to check out if you are interested!


Find other organizations near you!

There are so many youth-led organizations in our area that are fighting for climate action! One of the more notable ones, the Sunrise Movement, has a hub in Portland! 

Just recently, five youth activists have staged a climate-related hunger strike outside the White House, demanding that the senate pass a $3.5trillion spending package dedicated to fighting climate change. This would be a historic and life-changing piece of legislation! 

Image by Noah Buscher

More ways to be personally sustainable

The thing is, as important as it is to look at our individual impact, the real changes will have to be made by the fossil fuel industry, not by consumers. But there are also some really useful things that you can do on a personal level to help! Here is a good comprehensive guide to reducing your personal carbon footprint. 

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