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Clark College Still Gives Money to the Fossil Fuel Industry!

That is nuts! According to data from the IPCC, The direct drivers of climate change are the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas, representing 72% of global Greenhouse Gas emissions. We are asking that the Clark College Foundation divest from these industries in order to help all of us have a liveable future. If you would like to help encourage Clark College to do this, you can sign our petition.


What is the Clark College Foundation?

The Clark College Foundation is the nonprofit organization that deals with much of the finances of Clark College. The foundation is responsible for handling donations, fundraising, and, most importantly, investments. 

That means that we must send a clear message to the Board of Directors of the Clark College Foundation: It would be beneficial for everyone if they take their money out of the fossil fuel industry. 


Here is the response from Lisa Gibert, CEO of the Clark College Foundation:



























What is divestment?

This video does a great job of explaining the concept of divestment: 










Here are some other helpful links if you are curious! 


Financial benefits of divestment

Article: Divestment is Hitting the Fossil Fuel Industry Where it Hurts

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